Update Quicklinks: Printing, Painting, Blog
Its that time again! Monday and its time to recap what I accomplished in the last week. I missed last week, apologies as I got carried away with projects that it completely slipped me by. I am attempting to do this every Monday and a skip should not be common.
The last week overall was relatively quiet as I spent a lot of time attempting to game plan and catch up on write ups regarding what I have accomplished. The overall goal of the site is to “Keep Up” with the current happenings of my hobby life rather than always back track. However I have print jobs going all the way back to September that I need to write up and it is taking quite a bit of time. I’m getting better about maintaining logs of the last week but going back so far with partial notes takes time.
Anyways below are the highlights for the major categories!
Printing Updates
The printers have been pretty silent lately. I focused on data management and did some test printing for Lost Adventures Vol 2 kickstarter. It did result in my stupidity when I sheered off the nozzle to my printer and was forced to replace the heat block and heat sink for my Prusa. Waiting for some parts in the mail as I didn’t expect having to replace the heat sink killed a few days of printing but i’m up and running again!

Painting Update
I have predominately been focused on painting my Fishers Hut print which has been going slowly. I keep trying new things and have been enjoying it. However I am definitely starting to feel the fatigue and itch to paint new things. I’m thinking miniatures are definitely meant to be next.

Blog Update
This is an area I spent the most amount of time on. Believe it or not I have been putting a lot of work to attempt to make this site super user friendly and searchable. There is a lot required to build the foundation of a project to build off of for the future. There is both a lot of work on the back end and front end that is coming through.
The largest thing that shows the amount of depth I hope to achieve with my projects, especially big projects can be see with the write up of the Fishers Hut by CastnPlay. This write up includes print logs, assembly guide and am actively working on painting as we speak. All is interactable and reference capable if you want to see what is included in the model or need help printing and assembling yourself.
I also started a home page for the entire kickstarter the Fishers Hut came from the Kingdom of Thamarya where you can see all the models in the kickstarter, what i’m actively working on, and what is currently available to print. Let me know what you think!
All in all I have definitely fallen into the rabbits hole of goals and projects that I desire for this site. It will take sometime to truly bring it to life and I greatly appreciate those who have already shown support, it really means a lot to me. Thank you to the new followers to the blog in the last week as well.
Please do not hesitate to comment down below with feedback, criticism or ideas what you would like to see. Have an idea or special request on a project don’t hesitate to ask!
Again thanks for reading. Happy Hobbying,