Overview ~ Print issues/Areas of Improvement ~ Print Data ~ Where to find Files
Aren’t these coffins just so cute? These coffins are interesting in the fact that they are small enough to fit plenty in a room but too small to fit a miniature in them. One of the instances of too small scale?
Regardless these straight forward prints are easy to produce and came out nicely. They also should not be too difficult to paint.
Print Issues/ Areas of Improvement
There was one instance where only half an open coffin printed. I do not remember what happened with that error so the error analysis is not posted on this print log.
Print Data
Printer: Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K
Resin: Anycubic Grey
Layer Height: 0.05 mm
Where to Find these Files
Currently the files for the Coffin are currently not sold separately. These will be bundled with the entire Fantasy Props Kickstarter late backing. The sculpts and designs are now by the newly branded (November 2020) group on Patreon STL Miniatures.
STL Miniatures: Website
STL Miniatures: Patreon
Online Store: MyMiniFactory (only for past Patreon months currently)
Original Source of Files: 3D Printable Fantasy Props by Rafael Moreno Dominguez