Blacksmith Project Homepage
Print Logs: Floor, Walls, Roof, Props & Misc
Assembly: Floor, Walls, Roof, Props & Misc
Overview ~ In Progress ~ Assembly Diagrams ~ File Translation Table
Assembly of the Blacksmith Floor was really straight forward and required absolutely no post process clean up. Since I printed with an early version of the Blacksmith the printed files did change slightly with files becoming merged for less overall printed pieces for FDM printers. As a result my assembly will show as if I printed all the pieces on a resin printer. This section came out in 8 pieces (4 if using FDM files now) and fit perfectly into each other.

Assembly In Progress
Below you will see the slide show of assembly the pieces of the floor.
Resin & Filament Assembly Diagrams
This write up and future building assemblies I am going to include the file breakdown pieces and how they go together based on Resin & Filament printers. Since filament printers can print larger pieces on the print bed there will be overall less pieces than in resin.

File Replacement/ Translation Chart
If for some reason you would like to print the files in smaller pieces on FDM this translation chart shows which pieces in the Resin file folders make up their FDM counterparts.