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Project Main: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Much like the Female Lizardfolk, the Female Bugbears are a complement to the Bugbears released in the Lost Adventures Vol 1 kickstarter set. This is incredibly exciting in rounding out the team and really showcases these fine ladies and ferocious hunters. Every single one of them have a unique character that really stands out. From the prize of the Owlbear being stood on to the fuzzy bear belt buckle on the sword and shield model. Overall these printed well but I obviously still had a lot of tweaking to do for my resin exposure settings. As one of the first for using the Anycubic Grey Resin I definitely show issues in supports, most notably the back of the spear. I am still debating on printing these again on new and improved settings but have not done so at this time.
My favorite thing about these models is the animalistic sculpts of these ladies. They still define as female figures but can fit the lore of bugbears as a whole.
Note these were early test print models so some support placements may have changed since models released.

Print Issues/ Areas of Improvement

Print Data
Printer: Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K
Resin: Anycubic Grey
Layer Height: 0.05 mm
Time to Print all components 5 hr 56 min
Resin to Print: 24.1 g (Printed all models in one group)
Estimated Cost to Print: $0.99 or about $0.33 per miniature

Where to Find these Files
These files can be currently found on the Lost Adventures Co Website and are apart of the Lost Adventures Vol 2 Kickstarter.
Lost Adventures Co: Website
Lost Adventures Vol 2: Late Pledge All-In $80.00
Individual Purchase: Female Bugbears: Storytelling Pose $8.99