Project Overview
QuickLinks: PrintLoGS, In Progress Printing, Print Queue, Not Yet Released, Where to Buy
Lost Adventures Vol 1 is the Second Kickstarter run by Danny the 3D printing DM. What makes this project special and the last Kickstarters is that this is organized by a passionate consumer gone youtuber gone company. Since Danny is not a sculptor he brings together others to build up a curated collection of models to fit a theme. This is a great way to learn about other sculptors, find a style you like, and see the variety that is out there. In addition this Kickstarter comes with modules and encounters that use the terrain and models from the Kickstarter to immediately hit your table.
The theme for Lost Adventures Volume 1 is its “All in One 3D Printable Adventures”, meaning that if you are a dungeon master then story, terrain, monsters, and maps are all included in one easy purchase.
This project is still in progress and my full review will be written upon project completion.
Completed Prints

In Progress Printing
These models are either printed and waiting work for the print logs & photographs or are actively being printed.
Models in Print Queue
Below are renders of models found from the Lost Adventures Kickstarter. It is my goal to completely print ALL models in this collection. To have an idea of what is in store the images are below. Models are broken down by category and in groupings of released and not yet released.
Monsters and Miniatures
Scatter Terrain
What is truly special about this kickstarter is that there are a series of encounters of which all the props, monsters, and terrain will match. Don’t be afraid to check them out!
Where Can I get the Models?
Models from this kickstarter can be found at the Lost Adventures Co website. You can either purchase the Late Pledge for $80.00 (current listing) or buy just the individual sets seen above. All individual sets have links to the product page of each grouping of models to buy individually.
Original Kickstarter Link: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Website: The Lost Adventures Co.
3dPrintedTabletop: Youtube