This week of miniature painting! Yay I actually got to paint a miniature this week. I was capable working on my miniature pile of shame. This mini painted today was Black Omen’s sculpted bandit from his patreon in 2018 and early 2019. I painted just a tiny portion of this mini over a year ago and it has been sitting in my box for this entire time.

I did not keep track of the paint that I used and just wanted to practice. This was also my first paint job after I transferred all my paint into dropper bottles and it was a learning process as each brand of paint had different viscosity. I struggled the most with my bold choice of bright top layer for the vest which is a bright teal/blue. It definitely got away from me and i wish I could have made it a bit better.
Here are some progress shots of me painting!
Overall i’m happy to have another mini under my belt. In a discord i’m in I did mention “practice vs technique”. This is above and beyond practice. I tried to do more layers on objects and am currently pondering the methods of how to effectively use washes and layers at the same time. I need to go find some videos to watch or papers to read. If you see any feel free to pass them forward. I also realized that i’m terrible at painting eyes and this guys eyes are really creepy. At least I tried.
I just need to keep practicing. I have also decided to set a painting challenge for the month of August! Stay tuned.
Below are some photos of the finished mini.
About the Sculptor Black Omen Co
This is one of my personal favorite sculptors and one of the first I ever supported on patreon. Black fostered an incredible community through discord and would commonly lead community sculpt alongs on Twitch leading to great participation and assitance.
These bandits are actually ones I specifically requested as there were not many at the time out there.
He is no longer running a patreon but you could follow him on Instagram and see what he is currently working on!