What is a Goblinoid anyway? I thought goblinoid is in referring to the humanoid collection of goblins. So i guess these Goblinoids could be Goblins, Hobgoblins or bugbears? I’m probably going to paint these fellas like hobgoblins because I don’t have many to in that collection. As the big cousins of goblins these little dudes are more militant and will be perfect. I really love the capes on the back of these guys and they might start being my practice for layering on capes. I’m honestly really looking forward to painting them.

Goblinoid Miniature Print Data

Layer Height: 0.08
Bed Adhesion: Finally stopped using brims for my prints unless I absolutely have to
Filament: Hatchbox Silver
Printed On Prusa i3 MK3s
Print Profile: Mofied Version of Cura 4.6 “Offical_FDG_Cura_ender3_and5miniatures_4mm” from The FatDragonGames website

File NamePrint TimeEstimated Material UsedMisc Notes
Goblin_01_Spear2hr 30min6gOops accidentally printed two of these guys. Also for some strange reason the file name is goblin stead of goblinoid. Be careful if you combine print files. Also printed two by accident
Goblinoid_02_Flail1 hr 58 min6gAccidentally printed this one with supports again. The supports absolutely would not remove from below the mini so I reprinted it.
Goblinoid_03_Sword2 hr 2 min6gMini turned out well. Again some small melting on the tip of the sword. (Man i should really work on tuning that).
Goblinoid_04_AxeA2 hr 3 min6gCame out well. I’m happy with it.
Goblinoid_04_Axe_B16 min1gAxe printed separately. The tip of the handle came off poorly from snapping off support. Haven’t decided how to smooth that out.

Where to Find STLs

Dragonlock Miniature store via DrivethroughRPG. Vendor images are from Fat Dragon Game Website.

Goblinoid Warriors 1 $5.99

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