Quicklinks: Paint Process, In Process Photos, Final Photos, Where to find STLs, Conclusion

Fishers Hut: Main Project Page, Print Logs, Assembly
This project has been both one of the most challenging and rewarding things to hit my hobby table in quite some time. This project began January 13, 2021 with the first print and overall took a combined time of 8 days and 45 minutes of printing costing approximately $22.42 in materials. I printed both in resin and filament and combined 58 unique pieces to create this fantastically fun scene. This also took about 13 hobby painting nightly sessions of painting to complete. I do not always get a ton of time to work at night due to having a young one to put to bed and my own exhaustion but I stuck with it. Thank you to all those on my Instagram who gave encouragement as I started to hit the inevitable project fatigue.
This building I tried several new things and in some cases just went with my gut to see where it would go. Previously and most commonly I like to see what others have done and attempt to emulate but for this paint job I mostly (with one notable exception) just let myself have fun with it. The largest area of experimentation that you can read about in the Paint Process section of this write up is the dock/planks of the fishers house.
I absolutely have fallen in love with the shape and color of the roof and the sheer character of the whole thing. The dock is fun and worn in color and stands out differently than the building wood which was a concern for me. I even used brass paint to detail the nails on the boards which pop in a way I didn’t expect. Overall i’m really happy with the build and do think my skills are improving.
Paint Process
After assembly of the hut, I primed the building in the 4 main categories: Base, Floor, Walls, and Roof. The base which consists of all the ground & rocks I primed Deep Gray using Krylon colormaster paint and primer. The Floor, Walls, Roof and other wooden props were primed using Krylon camouflage brown. This camouflage is supposed to be “Ultra-Flat” and I thought id give it a try. Due to constantly working at night to paint I tend to prime quickly outside in the cold and bring it inside to vent in my 3d printing enclosure. Not the best way but it works for me and there is no smell!
After priming, I couldn’t help myself and went straight to dry brushing the roof. I got the idea to use craft paint in “True Blue” by folkArt from watching GamingGeek’s video “City of Firwood 3D Printed Fantasy Terrain”. He reviewed a building and painted the roof blue which I loved and thought i’d try it. This might be my go to color for roofs in future projects! This did take a few coats and I also added a lightened True Blue to the edge as a top dry brush layer.

For the dock/pier of the hut I really wanted the wood texture to stand out. My concern is that the wood from the building and the dock would be too similar and not give enough depth of contrast. The thought and goal was to have the dock be made of older more reclaimed wood which has been bleached and aged in the sun. Taking inspiration from a photo much similar to this. Old wood can take on so many complex colors. So I dry brushed all kinds of things I could grab from various browns, tans, grays, and even included some red and orange. Originally I was not the biggest of fans but it really grew on me over time.
I did also jump around a bit in my excitement and worked on several different pieces simultaneously. One main area of experimentation was for the Base my first usage of Vallejo Ground Texture, Grey Sand (seen below). I used this on the ground base of the model and ended up needed two coats in order to get the coarse sand texture I wanted.

The building itself I used a neutral beige color to dry brush the walls and a light gray dry brush for the brick work. For the base I also attempted to use an acrylic wash technique of brown, orange and a tad bit of red to give more depth and color to the rock formation. I also painted the sand with a wash to bring the sand texture together with Agrax Earthshade. I probably should have used my own brown wash as I used a lot but was feeling a bit lazy, in the fact I needed to make more.

After the wash on the sand I also used a green wash around each of the rocks to simulate algae growth and staining due to those rocks being constantly sprayed by fictitious water. After the wash I dry brushed Delta Creamcoat Sand Dune color on top to bring it all together. I also dry brushed the rocks with light grey paint to bring the rocks into a more uniform coloration as well. This is the one thing I feel the most mixed about in terms of happiness but overall I think it works.

After all of these steps I proceeded to slowly add more props from the print and paint them as I put the onto the build.
Final Photos
Where to Find the STLs
This model is from the Kingdom of Thamarya Kickstarter which can be found on MyMiniFactory and consumers can purchase the core bundle for $35 or All In for $120. However if you would like the Fishers Hut can be purchased separately for $8.00 on MyMiniFactory. Design and creation is made by the company CastnPlay.
Overall, this was a marathon of a project. It is the perfect example of the great things that are happening here. The site, Instagram and much more has been done incredibly for me to stay focused and finish this project. It might have taken quite a long time to finish this but it still was much faster than how I would have otherwise.
This has been incredibly fun, i’ve learned a lot and can’t wait to do more!
See you next time. Sincerely,
Crazmadsci, Carrie
This one turned out really well, a true work of art. Congratulations!
Thank you, I really appreciate that. This model definitely took some time and was stressful trying new things. But I keep getting comments from Friends and Family that the photographs really don’t do it justice. I am working on the next building in printing now. I should start assembly before this weekend!
I love the fishing hut! The paint job is intricate and makes the piece pop. Great job!