Update Quicklinks: Printing, Painting, Blog
Monday night! Its that time again. What shenanigans have I gotten myself into? Well in short my printers have been up and running again and I’ve been on fire producing and printing more stuff. So much so I have not yet finished all my print logs from last week. You know what that means, no more printing until I catch up! Never the less it feels really really good to be churning out stuff again after what I feel like was a series of unfortunate events for my Prusa.
Last week I finally finished not one but two major print projects and finished painting one of them. Combined these projects took me almost 3 weeks of consistent printing over a 4 week span. That is not including the downtime due to having to wait for parts or getting time in the day to repair my printer. In that same 4 week span I both rebuilt my extruder with a new heatblock and heatsink along with replacing the thermistor of my print bed. So last week felt incredibly rewarding. The two major print projects consisted of course of 1) The Fishers Hut and 2) The Everspring Temple. I have been test printing & assisting for the Lost Adventures Vol 2 kickstarter and the Temple was a building that I helped. Once the models are available for the public i’ll post my print logs for it. As for my resin printer i’ve been powering through some of the props from the Kingdom of Thamarya Kickstarter and miniatures from Lost Adventures Vol 2.
As for the blog and painting deep dives into the week check out below!
Printing Updates
This week in printing has been super productive. Overall I have been printing models from the Kingdom of Thamarya Kickstarter, props and started the Blacksmith along with Lost Adventures Vol 2 models including the Everspring Temple and lots of miniatures.
In Progress Printing:

Print Logs from last week:

Painting Update
Over the course of last week I primarily worked on the Fishers Hut from CastnPlay and completed it! Wow what a long project. I truly started to doubt i’d ever finish it as I kept getting ideas to do more or was intimidated. Nevertheless I got it done and am pretty proud of it. My husband enjoys it so much that I’m also going to get my 1st display shelf hung! I know it is probably a deep dive into more and more of a rabbit hole taking over the house but i’m pumped to not have to put it away immediately.
Check out the full write up on the paint job!
Blog Update
Over the course of the last week, i’ve become a bit more confident about the site and begun to share it in more communities. Overall reception has been extremely positive and I think others are starting to see my dream and image of where I’m going with it. I still feel like there is never enough hours in the day but i’m working hard to set the foundation of what I want this to become preventing issues where an entire redesign is necessary. With that being said Printing & Painting website sections are in development to hold information, guides, and of course crazy ramblings.
I have begun to plan and scheme about a Collections section to provide a gallery or easier search tool so older projects & models do not get lost over time. The goal is for this to be as much of a catalog of my collection as well as inspiration for others.
As for write ups I did write a January Retrospective of what was accomplished and completed in January which I think I will pursue to continue throughout the year at the beginning of each month. I also have been catching up on write ups for my paint jobs in the month of January (I know i’m behind). These include the Siege Equipment from the Fantasy Props Kickstarter and the Purple Worm from the Dragonlock Miniatures Kickstarter. I still need to do my write up for the failed experiment of exploding bases and then would be caught up.
All in All it was a great week. Thank you to the TWO new followers to the blog I appreciate you! I am working hard and hope it shows. As always let me know if you have any suggestions of things you would like to see on the site along with project ideas.
Again thanks for reading. Happy Hobbying,