Update Quicklinks: Printing, Painting, Blog
Its Tuesday, I know I am late in getting the latest weekly update out. But I’m here. The last week my overall printing & painting production due to the crazy weather we had last week. I live in a southern state of the USA so winter weather is very rare. I grew up in the mountains so am all about the snow however I definitely learned that places without the infrastructure in place to take care of it the story is very very different. Our city essentially shut down for an entire week causing my husband to stay home and work remotely and my latest shipment of printing materials was delayed over 8 days before delivery so I ran out of my ESun PLA+ and almost ran out of my Elegoo ABS-Like resin. Lets just say I spent the week attempting to not have the baby interrupt his dads work day and I didn’t get much done.
Printing Updates
This week I made decent progress at finishing up sets of models currently released from the Lost Adventures Vol 2 kickstarter. I also have been working on and printing the Blacksmith from the CastnPlay Kingdom of Thamarya kickstarter and am on the last roof piece now. Assembly and print logs should be released next week!
All in all even though I did not get a long of printing done I started to knock out finishing major sections. I am going to have to pick what building to print next for the Kingdom of Thamarya. Check out the Project Page and don’t hesitate nominating what should be done next!
In Progress Printing:

Finally catching up on documenting and finishing this project from September.
Painting Update
I will absolutely admit that I am currently in a painting slow down in the last week. I have put time into progressing with my catfolk fisherman and am close to finishing him but have been so preoccupied with life and my mind on other things like attempting to flush out the blog that it has been hard to focus. My stamina with painting miniatures is also much much shorter than terrain or scatter. It is an area I am working to improve upon but until I can get all the projects down on paper this scatter brained feeling might be something I have to fight for a bit.

Blog Update
I have been absolutely loving how much people seem to be enjoying the blog. My mind is completely overwhelmed with catching up on backlogs, getting things photographed, and really cataloging my collection. This has been an incredibly difficult task since I started writing data for my print logs in July and I am caught up to September. I am really attempting to write up what I print as I print which makes most of January covered and February. So I just need to get September, October, November and December logs up to the site. I do not know why my brain is hyper focusing on this fact but I feel like that I have to tackle it in order to truly invest time into the other projects I have lined up for the blog. Slowly but surely it is happening. Perhaps next week we will see a crazy amount of print logs posted and project pages created for the Hold my Dwarf and Monstrous Encounters – Undead Rising kickstarters! Fingers Crossed.
Last week was a strange week as a whole but I was reminded by how much I’m motivated to create things that are meant to last and are truly special. My son has taken a serious interest in what I create, watching the printers run, and in some cases playing with the figures. It is incredibly difficult to keep things out of his reach but his joy is inspiring. I have started to have a box of dungeon tiles and sturdy FDM miniatures set aside in a box on the floor for him to play with. He will be a gamer yet! This keeps me going on those slow tough weeks.

Again thanks for reading. Feel free to comment on what you are working on as well. Happy Hobbying,
Always nice to see your progress but especially cool to see your son sharing in the passion for the hobby!