Quicklinks: In Process Photos, Final Photos, Where to find STLs, Conclusion
Print Log: Heartwood Tradefolk Storytelling Poses
In February, I finished only one miniature for the month. This Catfolk Fisher was a model I’ve wanted to paint since I saw it on the Lost Adventures Vol 2 Kickstarter page and extremely wanted to paint as I was working on the Fishers Hut project. In my miniature collection I have so few miniatures that are just living their life and aspiring to do more than kill monsters. Almost all my miniatures wield weapons or are monsters. I love being able to grow my collection beyond that. It also gives me a ton of opportunity to just have fun with it.
This miniature painting project was definitely one however where I feel like I dreamt beyond my current skill set. For the first time ever I created a mood board containing images depicting different aspects I wished to capture for this model. The most notable goal was in making the cat calico. Having spots of different colors yielding to a truly unique and one of a kind coat. While painting I realized I did not like the attempt and instead just turned him into an orange tabby cat. While I think I did an ok job having his jacket as red with an orange coloration of lightening really kinda just blurred the colors together. This was supposed to be mitigated by having different colors broken into the fur of his coat.
Positive things about this paint job is that I made one of my first stabs at free hand painting by painting on a woven texture to his hat. I definitely feel like the intent and message comes across well but I of course see growth potential in my brush control. I printed the wooden floor base from the Welcome Pack of the CastnPlay Patreon and painted it quickly, due to project burn out.
Overall, I see a lot of room for growth in this miniature and definitely lost focus of what paints I used, how I used them, etc due to jumping around projects so much. In the end of the day this is good practice and yet another miniature for the collection. There is nothing disappointing about that!
Don’t miss the in progress shots and final photos below! See you next time.
Crazmadsci, Carrie
In Progress Photos
Final Photos
Where to Find the STLs
This model is from the Lost Adventures Vol 2 kickstarter which can be found on the Lost Adventures Co website and consumers can purchase for $8.99. Design/ sculpt of this set was by Andrew Biernier and Matt Gubser and distribution made by the company Lost Adventures Co.