Has a week gone by already? Where does the time go when you are having fun. This week was mostly focused on trying to eliminate the number of active projects on my desk. You see, the state of the crazy has been so chaotic that I am rapidly losing focus and losing track of what I have accomplished and completed. So instead of the organized categories lets show you some of the chaos in its raw form.
Let’s do a quick breakdown of the currently active projects on my workbench…
First thing first is that I have a friend interested in buying some of my old models from me and misprints which could be models with slight defects. I have been going through the stash and trying to cull out a lot to reduce the backlog to make space for new prints.
Zilvren Skyhold
Secondly I have been commissioned for a long term project to 3D print a game board from the models of a currently active kickstarter Zilvren Skyhold by Tired World Studios. This is their first kickstarter and I have to say I’m pretty impressed. Campaign will close next week and it will be about a month until I get my hands on the first batch of files but I have 3D printed a sample building for the board so my friend can practice and determine a color scheme. This is exciting because I have never done something like this in a collaboration with someone and am super excited to print which I love without hurting my own backlog.

Broken Anvil Miniatures
I have also been mass printing the demon set from Broken Anvil Miniatures which was released this month. I do not own many demon based models and am super excited that they are also doing paint along streams with a commission painter Josh Davis. I hope to go back through some of the past broadcasts and paint along in hopes to learn and grow in my hobby. Some models have given me trouble in printing and even assembly. For example this bat has been significantly difficult and is even not in perfect shape now that he is assembled. It will take a little bit of work to clean him up but regardless this is an incredible sculpt and I can’t wait to put paint on him.

Graveyard Golem
Inspired by our return to Frostgrave I have also assembled and built a new Graveyard Golem to play with for our Hunt for the Golem scenario. We are going to have one fun time trying to find and kill this guy.

Loot Studios Dragons
Did I say I needed more Dragons? Well…. this guy got printed too. He still needs clean up, glue and one of the wings tore with printing. I haven’t decided if I should reprint the wing.
I have also spent a good deal of time priming models and figures on my workbench in anticipation to paint including.
- A goblin warband for my green skintone deep dive.
- Class tokens from CastnPlay which are too big for my scale in use on a tabletop as they are about 32mm in diameter so I am magnetizing them to use as labels for my model storage. I’m actually pretty stoaked about the idea.
- Also I have been putting primer on a bunch of Infinite Dimension tavern and banquet scatter terrain which is some of the best tavern content i’ve seen to date.
- Oh I also primed my quest board! Super pumped about this.

Bloodbowl grows!
I have assembled a team of humans for Bloodbowl to take on my snotlings which now need gap filling for the slotted bases and dirt. I am also of course still painting my snotlings. Not much movement has happened to them this week.
I did actually buy a Blitz Bowl box this week which was on clearance at Barnes and Noble. This is a short skirmish version of Bloodbowl but was one of the best ways to get blood bowl dice and actually yet more teams at a crazy steal of a deal. We also can play shorter games for when we are limited on time!

Wait another game?
So I have been flirting with jumping into Age of Sigmar by Games workshop so I purchased a “Getting Started with Age of Sigmar” Magazine. This comes with two models which are perfect for teasing the game.My husband and myself have been teasing buying a Dominion Box as one of the most affordable ways to get our hands on a full core rule book and armies to get started. I will however be building up a Cities of Sigmar army in the long term.

Forestlands Model Assembly
Since I was in the process of assembling and print clean up I decided to assemble and glue all my Frostlands Terrain as well. The trees came in multiple pieces and I am excited that this project will showcase the difference between resin and FDM pretty well.

Because I want to see for myself I have decided to create a massive 100 model test for the new mega speedpaint set from army painter and need the models to get me there. This is only about half to he total Dragonborn count. This is the mascot for Tableflip Foundry and am currently about a month ahead of schedule!

I think that is everything? Overall I have been making strides to continue work on all my many projects and am sincerely aiming to reduce the active projects, on my workbench. However what can I say this is truly a state of the crazy. Also as painful it is to admit these are the ones that were just actively worked on this week.
What do you think? What project are you most excited about seeing? Am I truly crazy or do you also have a million active projects to?
As always I hope to see you next week. Thanks for sharing my passion in the hobby with me! What are you working on?
Carrie, Crazmadsci the crazy mad scientist
Great update and cool set of projects!
Thanks. Ive been enjoying you paint your dragon.