Overview ~ Print issues/Areas of Improvement ~ Printed Images ~ Print Data ~ Where to find Files
Project Main: Lost Adventures Vol 3 Test Printing
The Blasted Isle is one of the eight Core Collections you can buy from the currently running (August 8, 2021) Lost Adventures Volume 3 Kickstarter. Based on readings from the Kickstarter page the Blasted Isle will be home to all things hot, melted, and erupting. This island which is home to tieflings and monsters supposedly.
From this Collection I’ve had the privilege to test print one of the Fire Elementals you will receive from this Kickstarter check out all the information below.
Disclaimer: These models are currently being tested and improved upon. These models are subject to change based on upon tester feedback and the discretion of Lost Adventures Co. before final release. I have been given permission to share some of my prints with my readers and am only a volunteer printer.

Print Issues/ Areas of Improvement
For printing this file I did encounter one issue with horizontal lines going across the bottom portion of the model. I believe the issue was due to being way overdue to maintenance on my sonic mini 4k. This issue did indeed go away upon z-rod clean up and reprinting.
Printed Images
Prints coming off build plate. All models are presupported
Assembly of the Fire Elemental is extremely straight forward. Below is a slideshow of assembly moving from the base to body adding arms and then finally the head. If you have questions do not hesitate to ask below.
Print Data
Printer: Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K
Resin: Epax Hard Grey
Layer Height: 0.05 mm
Time to Print all components: 1 day 10 hr 35 minutes
Resin to Print: 126.43g
Estimated Cost to Print: $5.18 *Note base did not print hollowed due to user error and will be more affordable.*
Where to Find these Files
These files can be currently found on the Lost Adventures Co Website and are apart of the Lost Adventures Vol 3 Kickstarter which is running until August 31st 2021.
Lost Adventures Co: Website