Project Main: Lost Adventures Vol 3 Test Printing
The Heart of the GreenSea I am excited because it appears to be a continuation of many of the artistic flavoring from Lost Adventures Volume 2. With one some of my anticipated Fey-Khoo Kobolds growing in number! Also if you have made any of the Heartwood Village there are some killer walkways and models to grow to that.
However for this collection i’ve been FDM test printing a few of the miniatures and one of the swamp trees. As all miniatures get tested in FDM and resin I currently print in either, FDM or resin for testing purposes. If you ever are looking for help or advice in printing miniatures in FDM do not hesitate to comment down below.
Disclaimer: These models are currently being tested and improved upon. These models are subject to change based on upon tester feedback and the discretion of Lost Adventures Co. before final release. I have been given permission to share some of my prints with my readers and am only a volunteer printer.
Print Settings
ter: Prusa Mk3s
Filament: Esun PLA+
Layer Height: 0.08 mm
Build Plate Adhesion: Brim (just to be on the safe side)
Baby Monsters
These incredible cuties were a ton of fun to print and super easy too. Using very little support they were easy to clean and came right off the printer just screaming for some paint and use. Its also super cool that the Baby Phantom Panther looks like he is getting some parents too! Can’t wait to print those.

I have also printed the baby T-Rex model. These were so small they printed super quickly.

Clay Golem
Swamp Tree
You can’t have a GreenSea without of course some trees. This tree I printed at 0.15 mm layer height and did come pre-supported on my Prusa mk3s. Image is shown of tree spray painted grey in order to show model as I printed in black ESun PLA+ filament.

Where to Find these Files
These files can be currently found on the Lost Adventures Co Website and are apart of the Lost Adventures Vol 3 Kickstarter which is running until August 31st 2021.
Lost Adventures Co: Website