For the most up to date listing of all my current projects on my hobby desk and waiting in the queue this is the place to read the brief summary of what is to come.
The more in-depth detail of what happens week to week check out my most recent state of the crazy.
For more information regarding goals for the 2022 year check out my 2022 Hobby Goals.
What Kind of Wargamer am I? 2024 Age of Sigmar Nashville Teams Event
2024 is turning into a year of new experiences and opportunities for growth. Assisting as a tournament organizer for the first time and going to an 80 player Age of Sigmar tournament is definitely a first. Follow me as I learn more about who I want to be as a wargamer.
Actively Painting

2022 Benchmark Model
Sculptor: CastnPlay
Source: Adventurer’s Guild December 2022
The current attempt to work on my Benchmark of the best I can paint to highlight areas of desired growth for the new year. This is a great way to gauge your growth in miniature painting.
For updated pictures check out my instagram: @crazmadsci
On The Hobby Desk:
Because I can’t seem to do just one thing at a time.
Snotling Blood Bowl Team

While the wide majority of my hobby time revolves around 3D printing it is pretty rare that I assemble a model from sprues. This therapeutic building process has been wonderful when I only have a few moments to spare for my hobby.
Current Status: Removing mold lines & attaching to bases
Quest Board

Going to work on something different for this quest board from CastnPlay’s Adventurers guild release.
Current Status: Assembly & Basing
CastnPlay Kingdom of Thamarya Class Tokens

I 3D printed class tokens from the Kingdom of Thamarya Kickstarter quite some time ago. Not quite knowing what to do with them they have sat in my pile of prints. Now I have a plan!
Current Status: Magnetization!
All the Goblins!

I may have a crazy number of goblins but it is about time I do something with them! Stay tuned as this becomes a pretty lengthy post series.
Current Status: Basing, Pinning and Sorting
Actively Printing:

I am working hard on a new to resin 3D printing series. Starting out the series will contain write ups on how to read some of the most popular exposure time calibrations