Overview ~ Print issues/Areas of Improvement ~ Print Data ~ Where to find Files
What adventure is complete without treasure to gain? This set is great for added chests and piles of gold throughout your dungeon setup. Another great addition to the Fantasy Props Kickstarter print collection. Overall this set was incredibly easy and straight forward to print. The most difficult piece to print was the open chest lid which required supports and assembly. Gluing with an accelerator for my super glue was incredible in that situation.
My single complaint about the models was that not all STLs were flat on the build plate upon loading. For example the big treasure pile is floating and required lowering in order to print successfully, I need to remind myself to check 1st layer ALWAYS. At least it was caught quickly.
This print brought back great memories because my very first 3D print was a free treasure chest I found on thingiverse. I can without a doubt say that these chests came out better than the first print I did. Overall these treasure piles appear simple and will only truly pop upon painting. I can’t wait to build a treasure hoard with a dragon sitting on top. If this doesn’t inspire planning a Dragon hoard encounter I don’t know what will.
Print Issues/ Areas of Improvement

Print Data
Printer: Prusa mk3s
Filament: Hatchbox Silver PLA, Hatchbox Grey PLA (Treasure Small B)
Orientation: Bases against build plate
Layer Height: 0.1 – 0.12 mm. Treasure Chests printed at 0.12mm layer height
Print Profile: Modified version of Fat Dragon games miniature figure profile
Total Time to Print: 13 hr 53 min
Total Material Used: 30.3 g Filament
Material Cost: $0.60

Where to Find these Files
Currently the files for the Treasure files are currently not sold separately. These will be bundled with the entire Fantasy Props Kickstarter late backing. The sculpts and designs are now by the newly branded (November 2020) group on Patreon STL Miniatures.
STL Miniatures: Website
STL Miniatures: Patreon
Online Store: MyMiniFactory (only for past Patreon months currently)
Original Source of Files: 3D Printable Fantasy Props by Rafael Moreno Dominguez