Blacksmith Project Homepage
Print Logs: Floor, Walls, Roof, Props & Misc
Assembly: Floor, Walls, Roof, Props & Misc
Overview ~ In Progress ~ Assembly Diagrams ~ File Translation Table
For the assembly of the Blacksmith, I would say that the assembly of the Roof was by far the hardest. However the issues with assembly mostly revolved around printing an early Beta version of the house as a whole. There were some notable issues such as male & female pegs not matching as well as overlapping pieces. As a result I do not have a perfect slideshow of assembly for this build since it was done over several evenings and required some thought.
For those who are printing fresh do not worry! The files were updated the very night I finished assembly. I did opt to not reprint this section and considered it salvable. Do to the various trimming and fit issues with the roof, I did do a bit of post process finishing with milliput after the fact. I will do a full write up of the different post process finishing touches and creative modifications done to the build. (Post Blacksmith Status Update & Post Processing).

Assembly In Progress
Assembly Issues
One of the largest issues I had with assembly was the fact that the roof tiles D & E overlapped and would not go in together. As a result I had to cut with flush cutters the extra overlap. Once trimmed it came together nicely.

The other issue I had is that the shingles along the very top of the roof prevented the roof piece FDM BW_Roof_B/ Resin BW_Roof_C from fitting. This also required a little bit of trimming to allow the pieces to fit together. You can see the fit after the trim shown below.

Resin & Filament Assembly Diagrams
Since filament printers can print larger pieces on the print bed there CastnPlay has merged several of the STL files to make overall printing and assembly easier. As a result the assembly of the building will be slightly different for FDM piece assembly vs Resin piece assembly. The below images show you the location of STL files for each printer type.

File Replacement/ Translation Chart
If for some reason you would like to print the files in smaller pieces on FDM this translation chart shows which pieces in the Resin file folders make up their FDM counterparts.