QuickLinks: Concept Art, Print Logs, Assembly, Painting
Welcome to the project page for the Cottage from the CastnPlay Kingdom of Thamaraya Kickstarter. This cottage is special as it has three variant forms via how many floors and if the 3rd floor has a gable or not.
Listed below are my experiences and assembly guides for two of the three variants, the two story cottage and the three story with the gable. Full review of the building will be written upon completion of painting.
This is one of the easiest buildings i’ve printed to date from this Kickstarter project to date with the largest deviation from provided FDM print files being the 3rd Story printing of which I used cut pieces for resin, Read More: 3rd Story Print Log.
I have spent an enormous amount of time in the Post Process & Print cleanup stage of this build and don’t miss it by reading the “Cottage Kingdom of Thamarya Status Update” post.
Full review coming at completion of this project
Current Project Status: Being Painted
Completed Steps: Printed, Assembled, Post Processing completed, and Primed.

Print Data Overview
2 Story Version
Total Print Time: 5 days 18 hours 3 minutes
Cost to Print: $17.27
Total Filament usage: 751.27g

3 Story Attic Version
Total Print Time: 7 days 5 hours 18 minutes
Cost to Print: $19.81
Total Filament usage: 861.52 g

Concept Art

Cottage render. Original Source Cast N Play files & MyMiniFactory website.
Printing Logs
Curious as to how the whole thing is put together? Check out guides below to see. Each page is broken down into the different milestones and file folders provided by CastnPlay, in this case print history is broken down into each printable story and then miscellaneous props.
For ALL FDM print profile settings used in this print build. Here is the Google Doc which lists them all.
File Source
Created by Cast n Play
Source: Kingdom of Thamarya Kickstarter
The Cottage can be purchased separately for $8.00 on MyMiniFactory.
KingDom of Thamarya
Follow along the work and print jobs of other Kingdom of Thamarya models. This also includes renders and details of the current status of all models in development.
Spot an issue?
Feel free to reach me if you spot an issue or have any further questions!