Overview ~ Print issues/Areas of Improvement ~ Print Data ~ Where to find Files
Project Main: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Hobgoblins the strange creatures that live in the middle of the goblin and bugbear caste system. These creatures I always find super interesting as they are never depicted in the same way. The most interesting area of the subject is that I do consider hobgoblins under represented significantly in the hobby space. Many people make bugbears and many make goblins but the middle cousin doesn’t get enough love.
Really interested in this rendition of the monster and overall printed super easily on my resin printer. I definitely love the mixture of cloth and metal armor and look forward to the challenge of showing the relationship of the three monster types.
Print Issues/ Areas of Improvement
Did not experience any printing issues. Came off the build plate just fine!
Print Data
Printer: Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K
Resin: Elegoo ABS-Like Grey
Layer Height: 0.05 mm
Time to Print all components: 7 hr 19 min
Resin to Print: 46.2 g (printed with goblins)
Estimated Cost to Print: $1.89 or $0.17 per miniature
Where to Find these Files
These files can be currently found on the Lost Adventures Co Website and are apart of the Lost Adventures Vol 1 Kickstarter.
Lost Adventures Co: Website
Lost Adventures Vol 1: Late Pledge All-In $80.00
Individual Purchase: Hobgoblins: $8.99
Sculptor: Jonathan Llinares (Vae Victis Miniatures)