A deep dive is an “intense, in depth analysis of a certain problem or subject.” What does that mean for the tabletop hobby? Well for one I want to research, explore and experiment with all the different ways myself or my fellow hobbyists tackle a subject in the tabletop space. Either painting, printing, playing or something perhaps something else entirely. A deep dive will document my entire journey, the successes, failures, and methods.
The primary goal of a deep dive is to begin to answer some of the many questions I face when crafting.
Like all things in art and hobby there is no definite end or mastery but rather a continuous journey. So lets get to it.
Crazmadsci “Wood Painting Deep Dive: Part 1”
Deep Dives

Wood Painting
Now let us face the looming question. How do I make all the things with wood in my collection not look the same? I am aspiring to diversify my collection and wheel house of choices as well as skill.
Herein lies my personal evolution and research for painting better wood textures, builds, trees etc.
Deep Dive Goals
What are my goals for the Deep Dives:
1) Learn numerous ways of tackling a problem
2) Increase the diversity of painting in my collection
3) Grow in both mentality and skill for the hobby as a whole
4) Understand more the mentality of others who are also in the hobby
5) Create a collection of choices or swatches, when painting for future inspiration. A portfolio of sorts.
6) Document the process so I do not forget what i’ve learned and have reference material to go back to.
Deep Dive FAQ:
1) Will the deep dives stay purely focused on painting?
Absolutely not. I plan on doing deep dives and focus research on many aspects of the hobby such as miniature photography, materials for crafting, various aspects of 3d printing and more that come along the way. I do want primary focus for the time being to be on painting though.
2) How do I choose what is researched?
This will mostly be revolving around the subject matter that currently perplexes either myself or a reader. Once we encounter a question we will tackle it as it comes. However there will sometimes be some larger pre-planned projects resulting in a “series” of posts and experiments.
3) Once researched once will I ever go back?
Absolutely! As I grow in the hobby i’m sure my questions will as well requiring me to constantly come back and fine tune. I”ll try to keep every major category numbered to more easily follow along. Find more guides online that you think I should try myself and add to the collection. Don’t hesitate to bring them up as I will constantly be evolving myself.
4) Where will my “research” be coming from?
All of the experimentation will have references & links to the original source of that method. Sources will come from as many places as I can find: Youtube, Blogs, Random search engine responses, Pinterest, Facebook, Discord groups, etc. No credit will be taken in my hobby experimentation but rather become a repository to hear how something is solved in numerous different ways. All ideas, methods, and concepts learned from a particular location will have the citation to go with it so you can hear it from them as well.
5) Format of Deep dives on the site:
The current intent is to post more about my current project progress rather than just start and finish. So hobby posts which subscribers/followers of the site get notified of upon publication will get updates of project progress after milestones are completed. Eventually upon project conclusion a reference page will be created so we all can go back and refer to images, paint schemes etc as needed. This will make it easier to find information down the road if you are not following along. Also all posts will be hyperlinked for easy navigation. Posts will occur on Fridays if a series is in progress.
What am I working on NOW?
My Instagram currently shows the most up to date work of what I am working on at night for my hobby streak.
HAVE A PROJECT IDEA or Spot an issue?
Feel free to reach me if you spot an issue or have a challenge or suggestions.