Project Main: Lost Adventures Vol 3 Test Printing
The Greymill is one of the eight Core Collections you can buy from the currently running (until August 31, 2021) Lost Adventures Volume 3 Kickstarter. Based on readings from the Kickstarter page GreyMill will be home to the various humanoids who try to create a Frontier
From this Collection I’ve had the privilege to test print the one and only Danwise your famous Halfling Gardner! He is a model from the $160K Greymill Laborer stretch goals that have unlocked. GreyMill might be one of my most interested collections for its miniatures, trees and lumbermill!

Disclaimer: These models are currently being tested and improved upon. These models are subject to change based on upon tester feedback and the discretion of Lost Adventures Co. before final release. I have been given permission to share some of my prints with my readers and am only a volunteer printer.
Print Data
Printer: Prusa MK3s
Filament: ESun PLA+ Grey
Layer Height: 0.08 mm
Time to Print all components: 35 minutes
Filament to Print: 1.2g
Estimated Cost to Print: $0.03

Where to Find these Files
These files can be currently found on the Lost Adventures Co Website and are apart of the Lost Adventures Vol 3 Kickstarter which is running until August 31st 2021.
Lost Adventures Co: Website