Cottage Project Homepage
Print Logs: First Story, Second Story, Third Story, Miscellaneous
Assembly: First Story, Second Story, Third Story, Miscellaneous
Overview ~ In Progress ~ Assembly Diagrams ~ File Translation Table
Assembly for the second story of the Cottage is the beginning of the divergence of assembly between the standard 2 story variant and the three story ones. Depending on which one you desire to assemble the roof assembly is different.
Roof V1: Two Story version
Roof V2: Three Story Version
Since I decided to have a two story and a three story version assembly photographs are shown for both.
For FDM printers the floor and wall assembly is similar to the 1st floor since they printed in one combined piece. If printed in resin the floor requires assembly of front and back and roof comes in 6 pieces shown below.
Assembly was pretty easy however I did have more gaps than I would like in between the roof pieces and was unhappy with the underside of my roofs (due to being a perfectionist). I tackled both of these things in the post process stage of my build.
Assembly In Progress
Assembly of Roof V1 for Second Story
Assembly of Roof V2 for Second Story
Resin & Filament Assembly Diagrams
Since filament printers can print larger pieces on the print bed, CastnPlay has merged several of the STL files to make overall printing and assembly easier. As a result the assembly of the building will be slightly different for FDM piece assembly vs Resin piece assembly. The below images show you cut breakdown of the resin pieces for the second floor. The only difference in assembly is that the floor and walls come in pieces in resin as opposed to a solid piece each in filament.
Both V1 and V2 Roof assemblies are the same for both resin and filament.
File Replacement/ Translation Chart
If for some reason you would like to print the files in smaller pieces on FDM this translation chart shows which pieces in the Resin file folders make up their FDM counterparts.