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Project Main: Lost Adventures Vol 1
The Commoner Pack 1 is a collection of miniatures that I consider essential to any tabletop gamer. Everyone starting a game of Dungeons and Dragons will need a barmaid & barkeep along with two citizens who could start any party on an adventure or provide clues.
I loves these sculpts and the fact that the barmaid is not scantly clad and just doing what she can to make a living. It might sound silly but as a female gamer this role in miniatures is probably one of the most difficult to find “regular females” to print and paint.
Another thing I really appreciate about these sculpts is the fact that the bases of the models are chosen to reflect what type of terrain you would find the models on which could help, or hurt your immersion.
Overall these are definitely a must buy on my list for the collection.
Print Data
Printer: Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K
Resin: Elegoo ABS-Like Grey
Layer Height: 0.05 mm
Time to Print all components: 6 hr 22 min
Resin to Print: 49.2g *Group Print with Town Guards & Royal Guards
Estimated Cost to Print: $2.02 or $0.20 per miniature
Where to Find these Files
These files can be currently found on the Lost Adventures Co Website and are apart of the Lost Adventures Vol 1 Kickstarter.
Lost Adventures Co: Website
Lost Adventures Vol 1: Late Pledge All-In $80.00
Individual Purchase: Commoners Pack 1: $10.99
Sculptor: Stanislav Kunetsov (Onmioji)