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Project Main: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Are you looking for a classic mage model? Perhaps a fire caster? Well this is the set for you. While these models are less dynamic than several of the other models from the Lost Adventures Volume 1 kickstarter. There is something to be said about how special and needed growing your collection of wizards and warlocks are. I am for sure going to paint these guys up and use them as mages in Frostgrave. I actually like the hat wearing wizard so much i’ve already printed two of them to paint in different colors.
These two printed absolutely with any issue and I currently cannot see any faults in the models. A great set and definitely worth the purchase.
Print Data
Printer: Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K
Resin: Elegoo ABS-Like Grey
Layer Height: 0.05 mm
Time to Print all components: 6 hr 54 min
Resin to Print: 12.7 g
Estimated Cost to Print: $0.51 or $0.25 per miniature
Where to Find these Files
These files can be currently found on the Lost Adventures Co Website and are apart of the Lost Adventures Vol 1 Kickstarter.
Lost Adventures Co: Website
Lost Adventures Vol 1: Late Pledge All-In $80.00
Individual Purchase: Mages (Set of 2): $6.99
Sculptor: CastnPlay