The long awaited return!
I have been struggling to figure out how to type this update for sometime. In short I am living up to my name and life has been CRAZY. The last two months have been absolutely nuts.
Real life wise I ended up going to a very very small last minute backyard wedding, got a new job at a video game studio which is working towards launching world wide, very soon more news to come. Along with that I’ve seen a few members of my family and took a very small vacation.
Hobby wise my printer has given me more problems that I’ve ever had in the last several years of printing. My printer has had issues with stripping of the screw for locking the gear drivers that pull my filament. I attempted to replace which completely caused extrusion errors across the board. I have had some small nozzle issues, and on top of it all my power supply on my Prusa mk3s died completely and needed replacing. It has taking a while to get back into production due to the little amount of time here and there to tinker. But I think i’m now completely back in business! I have learned a lot more about 3d printing as a whole having rebuilt my printer at least twice over the last 2 months but i’m better for it. At least that is what i’m telling myself.
Project Status:
Overall like always i’m never short in projects i’m working on.

Fat Dragon Games miniature project: Since starting this site I started on 100% printing the Fat Dragon Games miniature kickstarter from 2019. I have now completely finished the project! All 94 unique miniatures and a few extras accidentally printed. There are a few ups and downs and I am still due to finish write ups for each set and a global breakdown. I am determined to get things to publish.
New Kickstarters
Since I finished the last major project I’ve started working towards completing not one but TWO 3d printable kickstarters.
The Fantasy Props kickstarter was voted upon by several of my friends as the next project I work to tackle. It has a ton of dungeon dressing and scatter terrain pieces. Overall I have a mixture of love and frustration with the pieces and am starting to think that some of these pieces would be perfect for experimenting with flexible or more durable resins for SLA 3d printing. At the moment I am going to hold off printing the rest of this kickstarter until my SLA printer shows up.
Monstrous Encounters. I cannot miss mentioning monstrous encounters by DungeonWorks. As some people know me personally DungeonWorks is by far my favorite company and dungeon tile system to use. As a 3d printing company DungeonsWorks has been around longer than many. They released this kickstarter in 2019 right after the Fat Dragon Games one as another set of miniatures that do not require FDM printing with supports. I figured to keep with the FDG theme and knock out these undead bad boys as they are designed for FDM printing in mind. I am absolutely falling in love with the monstrous encounters print and sculpt style.

Overall I’ve having a ton of fun printing the two projects and will continue to chug along. I have honestly been enjoying the monstrous encounters immensely as they are some of my most favorite 3d prints to ever assemble. The fantasy props I’ve encountered a few model issues and 3d printing issues as these are significantly smaller pieces than standard terrain and require significantly more finesse.
New 3d Printer!
I recently pulled the trigger and purchased my first 3d printer. I have ordered the Phrozen Sonic 4k Mini. I’m so beyond excited for this new avenue of adventure i’m on and should be receiving it at the end of the month/early October.
3d Printing Enclosure.
Since i’m soon going to have a resin 3d printer I figured it was about time that I started to build a more permanent enclosure for my 3d printers that also include proper ventilation to push air outside the house. The process has begun and is going to be a mega build. SO far the base is assembled and shelves to hold filament are completed. The enclosure top needs a finished design, ordered, and assembled.
Here is a picture of the bottom cabinet in progress.

Craz’s Musings
Last but not least the website. I am really determined to try to make something special as a way to collect information and grow with a catalog of history and experiences regarding 3d printing. I do not necessarily know if this is just going to be the ramblings of another random person on the internet or I find a niche in the tabletop community to really help it grow. I have yet to pull the trigger on purchasing a plan for wordpress and have told myself that I will not do so until i’m no longer “embarassed” with the lack of content on the page. This could just be imposter syndrome. But I think full write ups are important especially for getting started and commonly asked questions.
I am determined to catch up in my posts to be more reflective of my current projects and will definitely spam will content shortly. As for the deep informational pages, well those will have to adapt slowly over time as they require significantly more work and thought. I really want to do this well.
I think that is everything but if not i’ll fill you in more in the future. Thank you for reading. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, comments or concerns.