Wow so I have definitely been carried away in the last week. I know I’m pretty late for the state of the crazy because I was just having way too much fun. In summary the last week I would title as snotling filled. Both my sons suffered from colds with runny noses but I also have been having an absolute blast painting the Snotling bloodbowl team.
While I have been working on other things such as finishing up a presupporting job, getting started on a future mega printing commission for a Kickstarter, and begin printing a mega collection of models for a future deep dive into the Army Painter speed paint set. So lets get into it!
As I said above this week I have spent almost every day painting my snotlings. There are roughly 26 little snotlings which will be on 20 total models. There is a large pump wagon of which 4 ride on but I have decided to paint them in subassemblies. That way I can paint the pump wagons and all the snotlings separately without worrying about reaching to paint everything.
My goal is to try to finish a snotling a day to my “finished” standard and slowly batch paint some others to reduce burn out. Slowly they are all moving to completion with 6 out of the 20 waiting for varnish before I apply static grass so it seems like they are on a field. I am tempted to also litter mushrooms in the field base as well. Would that be too many mushrooms? It could tie the bases with the models really well but I haven’t decided yet. Also there is no place to put uniform numbers on these models and probably am going to look into 3d printable nameplates. I also can’t decide if I want to do magnetized rings so if a player is carrying the ball it can magentize to the base. What do you all think?
Here is a few of my finished models. Here is hoping I can get as many done before the end of February as I can. I am really trying to push myself to finish more models this year and this might make it so I could out pace my 2021 model number by the end of March!

One also major highlight is that I am teaching my 2 year old son how to paint. He has shown significant interest in my hobby space and I’ve decided to encourage it.

3D Printing
This week I have printed quite a few scatter terrain pieces from Infinite Dimensions tavern and banquet sets.

I also finally finished printing the Frostlands Core set from CastnPlay’s Terrain Essentials. This is a mix between filament FDM and resin prints and I am going to do a break down to fully show case the pros and cons of each different technology in 3d printing

I also have been struggling with a new resin called zMud by Uniz. I don’t know why but it has bee producing wildly inconsistent results and I cannot get an entire plate to have successful prints without one failing. I have been doing a ton of troubleshooting but I could just be a bad bottle of resin. I might start mixing it into other resin to slowly use it up. It isn’t always successful but we have to roll with the punches.
Website Updates & Changes
I have officially gotten to the point where I am crazy behind of documenting what I’ve been doing on my hobby bench and putting it on the website. I think this is going to lead to a March Madness for myself as I go crazy trying to play catchup. However that’s a great problem to have as it shows I’ve been having a ton of fun and hobbying. I have to keep reminding myself that this is something I’m doing purely for fun and there are no such things as deadlines. I am just too excited to share it with others and also truly appreciate the journey.
As always I hope to see you next week. Thanks for sharing my passion in the hobby with me! What are you working on?
Carrie, Crazmadsci the crazy mad scientist
Nice minis and I like those 3d prints too. ?
Love that your son’s painting an Infinite Dimensions piece ?
The ruins he is painting is actually a terrain4print ruin that I ran out of filament with a long time ago. Although I need to print more infinite dimensions stuff. I really want to do the arena it’s on my list.
The snotlings look great. Nice job on the painting. I love your tiny humans working with you. Have fun!