How have I gone so long without doing a state of the crazy? Can you believe I haven’t written anything since February? This year has absolutely flown by and i’m utterly speechles.

Hello! I’m here, trying to get the cobwebs out and get back into the thick of it.

What has happened in 2022?

In short a lot has been happening here at the crazy household and I apologize for my absence. Every since February I have been on a long journey of re-entering the workforce full time in the video game industry. If any positive from the global chaos is that the game industry has drastically opened to be more remote friendly. This has resulted in so many more possibilities and opportunities for my background in game design. I have since been back into it for about 6 months and finally getting back into a routine. I’m really excited by this opportunity and it is an area of game development that is new and challenging.

I have also hung up my stay at home mom hat to put my tiny minions into daycare which has come with numerous colds, flu, and two rounds of covid… ugh. We are all fine and healthy but after spending two years in quarantine getting back out in the world has taken a toll. I have also lost a grandmother who was the one who opened the world of hobbying to me to be a lifelong pastime and something to be proud of. Picking back up the blog is something I know she would be proud of.

Beyond those major life events, construction on our home, expecting another player addition in our family early next year, and the general chaos life. Well it has drastically pulled me away from being able to write.

So now the real question…..

What have I been doing in my tabletop gaming in 2022?

Well that answer is not nearly that simple but yes I have never stopped hobbying and am still as in love with it as ever.

First of all I am currently no longer doing presupports for Tableflip Foundry due to having another job that keeps me busy. I love the gang over at Tableflip and will always support and endorse what they do. I loved participating and being a part of the community to help artists bring their models to the average every day consumer but now I have time to put some personal models onto my printers instead. I have resulted in gaining a ton of random models that I have extra and don’t really need. One day i’ll figure out what to do with all those prints I don’t really want….

Secondly I finished painting my snotling Bloodbowl team which I absolutely love. I have not dove into Bloodbowl as much as i’d like this year because I have been sidetracked.

The largest project and undertaking I’ve gone on this year is by starting and learning Age of Sigmar by Games Workshop. Starting with the Dominion box for 3rd edition. I have started playing the Kruelboyz from the Orruk Warclans. Painting has been on going slow much like all my projects this year but I love it.

Well maybe not the largest undertaking i’ve done this year. I’m still working on the largest 3d print I’ve ever attempted in my life. I am still not quite done but perhaps in a week I’ll share the final product!

Anyways I know this has been short and sweet but I am working on turning things around. Its great to see everyone. I hope you have been happy and hobbying,

Carrie, Crazmadsci the crazy mad scientist

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5 thoughts on “State of the Crazy: December 17, 2022

  1. Hi! Congrats on the video game job and great hobby work. Looking forward to see the print you are working on.

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