I've finally recieved my MixRack Paint Storage solution and writing my opinions and review of the product.
Kick-Off Event: 3D Printed Bloodbowl Pitch Part 1
Playing Bloodbowl is wacky and fun. But wouldn't it be better with a fully fleshed out stadium to play in? Join my process of creating a 3D printed bloodbowl pitch.
What Kind of Wargamer am I? 2024 Age of Sigmar Nashville Teams Event
2024 is turning into a year of new experiences and opportunities for growth. Assisting as a tournament organizer for the first time and going to an 80 player Age of Sigmar tournament is definitely a first. Follow me as I learn more about who I want to be as a wargamer.
Janurary 2024: Hobby Roundup
I am a crafter who doesn't know how to do just one thing at a time. Join me as I share a bit of the behind the scenes and share truly the State of the Crazy.
iCollect Everything: Miniatures Edition, A Review
Since January 2023 I realized it was time to find a way to catalog my miniature figure collection to truly understand my pile of shame. Since then I've spent the past year catalogging and finding the app iCollect Everything to assist in my goal. Utilizing the power of the custom collections i've created a database of my dreams and share insights of the strengths and weaknesses of the app.
2024 New Year, New Army: Escalation Leage Begins
Everyone needs a loft goal for each and every year. For my 2024 hobby goals I ambition to start and complete my Cities of Sigmar army with the help of my local escalation league.
State of the Crazy: Happy New Year? Jan 22, 2024
I am a crafter who doesn't know how to do just one thing at a time. Join me as I share a bit of the behind the scenes and share truly the State of the Crazy.
The 2023 Hobby Space Revolution: The Beginnings of my Ultimate Dream Workspace
There is no better reflection of you and your hobby than the way you organize and work in your space. Come join me as I showcase the beginnings of my dream hobby space.
State of the Crazy: When You Get in Your Own Way, October 23, 2023
I am a crafter who doesn't know how to do just one thing at a time. Join me as I share a bit of the behind the scenes and share truly the State of the Crazy.
Trying New Things: My First Warhammer Tournament
Last weekend I embarked on my every first Age of Sigmar Tournament. I had an absolute blast and learned a few things about myself in the process.