After a year of almost continuous resin printing, I've learned so much. How did I decide on what to buy? What were some of the highs and lows? Read more to find out.
Frostgrave Part 5: Frostgrave Game Day
The conclusion of a massive project is never easy nor is articulating the impact and joy it has on ones hobby. Here I share the highs and lows of a two month journey to create an epic gameday of Frostgrave with entirely new terrain and warbands.
3D Printing: Science or an Art Form or Just Plain Luck?
Many do not realize that 3D printing is a hobby much like miniature painting. It requires time, study, determination and most importantly practice. Not all hobbyists are at the same skill set. Not all printers or materials have the same capabilities. With a large variety of programs and settings how does one approach the hobby? Should it be approached with the scientific method of trial and error of slow changes? Or is there no real "right answer" and final product resulting from your individual personal taste or rather a production of art?
Frostgrave Part 4: Status Update
Over halfway through my Frostgrave project I reflect on project status and the incredible experience this has become.
Contrast Paints: Understanding Their Usage
I've only just started adding contrast paints to my arsenal as a miniature painter. While I still have so much to grow painting this Hill Giant from Lost Adventures Volume 1 has helped me gain valuable insight.
Skin Deep Dive Part 1: Setting a Baseline
Painting Skin tones to truly portray a complexion is hard. Follow my journey as I embark on a mission to better understand the layers that make up our skin and how to paint them onto miniature figures.
Frostgrave Part 3: Printing the Warbands
In order to begin a campaign into the Frozen City of Frostgrave one must recruit a warband. Follow my project as showcase the models printed for the two opposing teams in my most ambitious project ever attempted for a tabletop game.
State of the Crazy: August 16, 2021 Life of a Crafter With Too Many Projects
I am a crafter who doesn't know how to do just one thing at a time. Join me as I share a bit of the behind the scenes and share truly the State of the Crazy.
Frostgrave Part 2: Map Design
Follow along as I begin my journey to attempt to build the most involved game mat and prepare for an epic weekend of Frostgrave with my husband. Largest project i've ever attempted in such a short amount of time.
The Joy of Test Printing: Lost Adventures Volume 3 Uncharted Lands!
Having the chance to test print models for the community is such a treat. Here I showcase some of the models coming with the Lost Adventures Volume 3 Kickstarter Uncharted Lands. Be sure to check it out.