Welcome to my building collection. This page will house the directory of information for all of my cataloged buildings.
The vast majority of my building collection is 3D printed. All information per building will take you to that building project page and relevant post write ups.
For other categories in my Collection check out:
My Building Collection
Kingdom of Thamarya
3D printable Kickstarter made by CastnPlay. Project to start creating these buildings began January 2021 and is currently ongoing.

Fisher’s Hut
Sculptor: CastnPlay
Source: Kingdom of Thamarya Kickstarter
Created: February 2021

Sculptor: CastnPlay
Source: Kingdom of Thamarya Kickstarter
Created: July 2021
In Painting Queue

Sculptor: CastnPlay
Source: Kingdom of Thamarya Kickstarter
Printed: March 2021
Painted: ?????