Overview ~ Print issues/Areas of Improvement ~ Printed Images ~ Print Data ~ Where to find Files
Project Main: Lost Adventures Vol 1
For this next print log I get to share yet another one of my absolute favorite prints from the Lost Adventures Vol 1 Kickstarter. This model comes with a flaming and nonflaming hammer and head variant but what fun would that be? I absolutely love this sculpt and overall was pretty easy to assemble. The most difficult portion was to make sure the right foot rests on the head of the hammer.
I am absolutely looking forward to printing the matching forge for this model.
If you are looking for a Fire Giant this is a great addition to your collection.

Print Issues/ Areas of Improvement
I did not experience any issues printing this figure. I did however misplace the non flaming head after printing so the picture in the Print Data is a render.
Printed Images
Print Data
Printer: Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K
Resin: Epax Hard
Layer Height: 0.05 mm
Time to Print all components: 22 hr 40 min
Resin to Print: 89g
Estimated Cost to Print: $3.65
Where to Find these Files
These files can be currently found on the Lost Adventures Co Website and are apart of the Lost Adventures Vol 1 Kickstarter.
Lost Adventures Co: Website
Lost Adventures Vol 1: Late Pledge All-In $80.00
Individual Purchase: Fire Giant Conqueror – Ignus Ashborn: $12.99
Sculptor: Daniel Kelly (Lion Tower Studios)