Miniature Name: Tiefling Sorceror Adventuring Pose
Print Set: Tiefling Sorceror
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 33.3 x 29.2 x 46.7 mm
Sculptor: Andrew Biernier
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $3.99 (pack of 2 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.30
Miniature Number: 45

Miniature Name: Tiefling Sorceror Story Pose
Print Set: Tiefling Sorceror
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 16.6 x 18.0 x 46.7 mm
Sculptor: Andrew Biernier
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $3.99 (pack of 2 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.30
Miniature Number: 46

Miniature Name: Tombstone Mimic
Print Set: Graveyard Mimics
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 23.7 x 8.6 x 26.3 mm
Sculptor: S?awek Ko?ciukiewicz
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $0.00 (pack of 4 models)
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.41
Miniature Number: 48

Miniature Name: Tombstone Normal
Print Set: Graveyard Mimics
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 23.7 x 8.6 x 26 mm
Sculptor: S?awek Ko?ciukiewicz
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $0.00 (pack of 4 models)
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.41
Miniature Number: 47

Miniature Name: Turtlefolk “Death Cleric”
Print Set: Heartwood Sages Storytelling Pose
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 40.0 x 32.2 x 50.1 mm
Sculptor: Christine Van Patten (Moonlit Minis)
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $8.99 (pack of 4 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.41
Miniature Number: 31

Miniature Name: Turtlefolk Druid Female Storypose
Print Set: Heartwood Sages Storytelling Pose
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 25.5 x 29.6 x 42.1 mm
Sculptor: Christine Van Pattern (Moonlit Minis)
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $8.99 (pack of 4 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.41
Miniature Number: 30