Miniature Name: Fang Dire Wolf
Print Set: Fang Dire Wolf
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 24.7 x 64.1 x 33.3 mm
Sculptor: Nick Rovakis
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $3.99
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.41
Miniature Number: 55

Miniature Name: FeyDhok Horns
Print Set: Fey Dhok Forest Kobolds
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 49.7 x 27.0 x 61.7 mm
Sculptor: Andrew Biernier
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 3 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.27
Miniature Number: 32

Miniature Name: FeyDhok Patrolling
Print Set: Fey Dhok Forest Kobolds
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 39.4 x 43.9 x 67.5 mm
Sculptor: Andrew Biernier
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 3 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.27
Miniature Number: 33

Miniature Name: FeyDhok Pounce
Print Set: Fey Dhok Forest Kobolds
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 43.2 x 63.4 x 41.0 mm
Sculptor: Andrew Biernier
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 3 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.27
Miniature Number: 34

Miniature Name: Fire Giant Conqueror – Ignus Ashborn
Print Set: Fire Giant Conqueror – Ignus Ashborn
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 87.6 x 68.0 x 99.3 mm
Sculptor: Daniel Kelly (Lion Tower Studios)
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $12.99
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $3.65
Miniature Number: 114