Who here doesn't love imaging a player floating and being eaten by a Gelatinous cube? I definitely have. I love them but I've never had one in my collection before. That changes now! Cube O Snot Miniature Print Data Layer Height: 0.08Bed Adhesion: Majority of time used 6mm brim (was still nervous about peeling)Filament: Hatchbox … Continue reading Cube O’ Snot Dragonlock Miniatures
Giant Slug Dragonlock Miniatures
I do not think in the years of playing tabletop games i've had to encounter or made my players encounter a giant slug.... This may have to change. This model is gorgeous in its simplicity. I love the texture on the back of the slug and really look forward to painting. Straight forward print, nice … Continue reading Giant Slug Dragonlock Miniatures
Goblinoid Dragonlock Miniatures
What is a Goblinoid anyway? I thought goblinoid is in referring to the humanoid collection of goblins. So i guess these Goblinoids could be Goblins, Hobgoblins or bugbears? I'm probably going to paint these fellas like hobgoblins because I don't have many to in that collection. As the big cousins of goblins these little dudes … Continue reading Goblinoid Dragonlock Miniatures
Bandit Miniature Painting
This week of miniature painting! Yay I actually got to paint a miniature this week. I was capable working on my miniature pile of shame. This mini painted today was Black Omen's sculpted bandit from his patreon in 2018 and early 2019. I painted just a tiny portion of this mini over a year ago … Continue reading Bandit Miniature Painting
Giant Spider & Swarm Dragonlock Miniatures
Yet another one of the Fat Dragon Games miniature collections! I'm slowly making my way through this kickstarter and getting posts done. This collection is spiders. Having already had a previous spider version in their miniature collection the rearing option for the spider is new. Overall the model is decent but I am not the … Continue reading Giant Spider & Swarm Dragonlock Miniatures
Turdle Adventurers Dragonlock Miniatures
I do not know what it is about turtle miniatures but I absolutely love them. These are some of my absolute favorite from the Fat Dragon Game collection and I love the feel of them. I've previously printed the Fat Dragon Game Turdle Fighter collection and love them. I can't wait paint these guys and … Continue reading Turdle Adventurers Dragonlock Miniatures
Oxidation Beast Dragonlock Miniatures
Special Note: The Oxidation Beast also known as a Rust Monster in Dungeons and Dragons is considered a medium sized monstrosity. If you wish to keep the miniature in a 1" scale for tabletop gameplay you will have to resize the creature. This model originally has a size of 26.9566 mm x 35.1585 mm x … Continue reading Oxidation Beast Dragonlock Miniatures
Are you Ready to Battle! The silly tale of needing a DnD group.
You know that we really need a Dungeons and Dragons group running when out of the blue my husband (bolded) goes... "Lets D&D Battle!" "Whats a D&D Battle?" "We pick a team of monsters and fight off to the death" Ok, ok. That really isn't how it happened nor do I remember exactly how the … Continue reading Are you Ready to Battle! The silly tale of needing a DnD group.
How to Transfer Your Paint. Dropper Bottles All the Way!
Picture of the Finished Project I finally did it! I finally transferred all my P3 and Citadel paint to dropper bottles! I'm beyond pumped. In case you do not know, miniature paint brands such as P3 and citadel put paint in containers which are not easy to retrieve paint from to put on my wet … Continue reading How to Transfer Your Paint. Dropper Bottles All the Way!
Week in Review: July 10, 2020
This was the week of "Lets do all the projects." Planning a ton of different things with way too many half written posts than I want to admit. I have been learning and growing seeing how much the 3d community has changed in the year I took off or so. I have been doing a … Continue reading Week in Review: July 10, 2020