It is that time again to welcome in the new calendar year, we are now older and hopefully a little bit wiser. Much like many many people, last year I wrote down a pretty humble list of hobby goals for 2021 and although I didn’t complete all of my goals I am still incredibly happy with what I did accomplish in the past year. Feel free to read more about my review of last year here: 2021 Hobby Goal Retrospective.
Yes I know what you are thinking, hobby goals, showcases these yearly posts are cliche and exhaustively overused. However last year I discovered that having a thought out list of goals was actually immensely helpful for me to see what I really wanted to achieve but also gain perspective on how much I accomplished over the course of the year. This allows me to have an improved understanding of my time management and really prioritize the upcoming year.
So for my own sanity and organization here I am…
What is different this year?
For this year’s goals I have decided to do something a little bit different. I am setting overview goals out of a long bucket list of aspirations that are on my mental list of some of the things I desire to do. Why? I tend to be a really big dreamer with more goals than I can reasonably do. So I am going to attempt to do a specific number of goals per category which will allow me to still have a dreamer list while also still being reasonable as to what I can accomplish. This will provide flexibility to move with changing interests or adapt to things I don’t yet know will happen.
My universal motto and approach will be, “Improve my skill, output and performance over the previous year.” So I am planning on using last year as a benchmark of comparison so I can more definitely see how I match up.
I also hope to solve one massive issue in my retrospective of last year, I don’t know specifically how many goals I achieved in the last year because many of them were not objectively pass/fail. This should be more straight forward.
- Paint more models than 2021:
- Scatter Terrain: 2
- Buildings: 2
- Miniatures: 26
- Try or start learning 5 New Techniques and Skills
- Begin 3 New Deep Dives
Overall all of these things are pretty straight however if you are new to the site you may be asking what is a deep dive?
From an analytical standpoint a deep dive is an “intense, in depth analysis of a certain problem or subject.” What does that mean for the tabletop hobby? Well for one I want to research, explore and experiment with all the different ways myself or my fellow hobbyists tackle a subject in the tabletop space. Either painting, printing, playing or something perhaps something else entirely. A deep dive will document my entire journey, the successes, failures, and methods.
Introducing: Deep Dives
Deep Dive Examples from 2021

- Printable Scenery Castle Complete Printing & Paint
- 100% Print a Kickstarter and all its models
- Physical vs Printing Project Comparison
I started a project several years ago in attempt to recreate a Printable Scenery marketing image of a ruined castle using their rampage castle digital files. To this day I’m determined to finish it and paint it for my collection.
I also have had an idea to really dig into the conversation of “3D printing is Cheaper than buying Physical Models”. There is the perfect set of files for this conversation and I fully plan to really give my highly researched spin on the topic.
- Average of 5 or more posts a month (4 was average for 2021)
- Maintain writeups of 2022 printing & painting. Aka If I print or paint itthe models end up on the site
- Add 10 3D printing tutorials
- Put 250 miniatures on the website from Current Physical Collection (approximately 25%)
- Aim for 500 Instagram followers and use to track hobby days (323 as of today): Follow Here
- Play two new tabletop games
Much Easier to achieve, right? Also so much more easily explainable. I definitely think this list is doable and flexible to account for the changes I don’t see coming. I also very intentionally shifted my priority to be writing and painting related. I have always put printing first as it has been a primary hobby, and source of hobby income. However, I have immensely begun to enjoy painting more than ever before and am going to embrace it this year and see where it takes me.
I am also extremely disappointed with the lack of writing I’ve been doing lately and found it therapeutic during the year. Specifically the “State of the Crazy” of my weekly updates of what I’ve been up to kept me honest and on track of the happenings in my hobby universe.
What about you? Do you have goals and aspirations with the new year? I’d love to hear from you.
As Always Happy Hobby,
Carrie the Crazy Mad Scientist
Now for the real crazy mad list….Expanded Goal Lists broken down by category.
The Dreamers 2022 Hobby Goals
Below are some of the things I will select for the above list to potentially use to complete my hobby goals for the year.
- 2021 Benchmark Model
- 2022 Benchmark Model
- Bloodbowl Snotlings (20 Models)
- Frostgrave Bestiary (27 unique)
- Folio (9 unique)
- Perilous Dark (11 unique)
- Lupin & Werewolf Harry Potter Mini (2 models)
- Stargrave Warbands (20 Models)
Total Count: 91
Deep Dives:
- Display Boards
- Various biomes (5)
- Green Skin Tones
- Color Theory
- Painting Hair
- Painting Scales
New Techniques and Skills
- Airbrush Learn/Use with Confidence
- Ultrasonic Cleaner Learn and use in various applications
- clean airbrush
- strip models
- other uses?
- Printing in Transparent Resin
- Alcohol Ink dying transparent resin
- Oil Washes
- Use an LED in a build
- Feathering
- Stippling
- Wet Blending
- Do a resin pour
- Green Stuff Sculpting
Mega Project Ideas:
Large 3D printing projects or kickstarters. Mega project completion is marked by 100% printing of miniatures or 50% of Kickstarter.
- Printable Scenery Castle
- Print & Paint
- Terrain Tinker Spotlight
- Dungeon Delvers Kickstarter
- Terrain Essentials CastnPlay
- Kingdom of Thamarya
- Lost Adventures Vol 1
- Lost Adventures Vol 2
- Lost Adventures Vol 3
- Lost Dragons
- Into the Woods
- Hagglethorn Hollow (complete print)
- Monthly Creator Spotlight (12 Total)
- Monthly Roundup
- Models painted
- Projects printed
- 2 Paint Project Write ups a Month
- 2 Print Write Ups a month
- Weekly State of the Crazy
Wow! I would say your goals are pretty amazing and that you did a fantastic job last year. The one big goal you forgot to mention was that you did have a baby in June and have accomplished all these other goals on the side while having an infant and a toddler! That in itself is an incredible feet. Well done! You are an inspiration.