Miniature Name: Watcher
Print Set: Watcher
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 35.4 x 31.0 x 49.9 mm
Sculptor: Joshua Black
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $3.99
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.49
Miniature Number: 92

Miniature Name: Wizard with Big Hat
Print Set: Mages
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 28.5 x 25.0 x 46.3 mm
Sculptor: CastnPlay
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $6.99
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.25
Miniature Number: 120

Miniature Name: Wolf 1
Print Set: Wolves
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 25.0 x 41.4 x 25.0 mm
Sculptor: Eder Lindorfe
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.36
Miniature Number: 70

Miniature Name: Wolf 2
Print Set: Wolves
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 25.0 x 39.4 x 26.8 mm
Sculptor: Eder Lindorfe
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.36
Miniature Number: 71

Miniature Name: Wolf 3
Print Set: Wolves
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 25.0 x 44.2 x 28.9 mm
Sculptor: Eder Lindorfe
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.36
Miniature Number: 72

Miniature Name: Wolf 4
Print Set: Wolves
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 25.0 x 43.5 x 36.8 mm
Sculptor: Eder Lindorfe
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.36
Miniature Number: 73

Miniature Name: Wolf 5
Print Set: Wolves
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 1
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 25.0 x 51.4 x 35.4 mm
Sculptor: Eder Lindorfe
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: No
Estimated Print Cost: $0.36
Miniature Number: 74

Miniature Name: (Wood Elf) Commander
Print Set: Wood Elf Garrison Regiment
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 50.6 x 31.5 x 40.5 mm
Sculptor: Brandon Leach
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.20
Miniature Number: 25

Miniature Name: (Wood Elf) Female Garrison Bow
Print Set: Wood Elf Garrison Regiment
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 33.0 x 40.5 x 38.9 mm
Sculptor: Brandon Leach
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.20
Miniature Number: 26

Miniature Name: (Wood Elf) Female Garrison Dagger
Print Set: Wood Elf Garrison Regiment
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 34.5 x 21.5 x 31.5 mm
Sculptor: Brandon Leach
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.20
Miniature Number: 27

Miniature Name: (Wood Elf) Male Garrison Bow
Print Set: Wood Elf Garrison Regiment
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 29.6 x 34.1 x 32.1 mm
Sculptor: Brandon Leach
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.20
Miniature Number: 28

Miniature Name: (Wood Elf) Male Garrison Dagger
Print Set: Wood Elf Garrison Regiment
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 35.1 x 37.7 x 43.8 mm
Sculptor: Brandon Leach
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $10.99 (pack of 5 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.20
Miniature Number: 29

Miniature Name: (Wood Elf) Female Scout Bow
Print Set: Wood Elf Scout Regiment
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 26.3 x 42.7 x 37.5 mm
Sculptor: Brandon Leach
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $9.99 (pack of 4 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.30
Miniature Number: 36

Miniature Name: (Wood Elf) Female Scout Dagger
Print Set: Wood Elf Scout Regiment
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 31.5 x 37.9 x 37.3 mm
Sculptor: Brandon Leach
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $9.99 (pack of 4 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.30
Miniature Number: 37

Miniature Name: (Wood Elf) Male Scout Bow
Print Set: Wood Elf Scout Regiment
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 47.37 x 37.8 x 54.0 mm
Sculptor: Brandon Leach
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $9.99 (pack of 4 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.30
Miniature Number: 38

Miniature Name: (Wood Elf) Male Scout Dagger
Print Set: Wood Elf Scout Regiment
Collection: Lost Adventures Vol 2
Material Type: Resin 3D Printed
Size: 32.1 x 33.0 x 25.8 mm
Sculptor: Brandon Leach
STL Location: Lost Adventures Co
STL Price: $9.99 (pack of 4 models)
Pre-Supported: Yes (3dPrintingPro)
Estimated Print Cost: $0.30
Miniature Number: 39