Thinking about starting to 3D print on commission? Here is my top 10 things to consider before accepting a print commission.
Sometimes Life Gets Away From you: July 12, 2023
I am a crafter who doesn't know how to do just one thing at a time. Join me as I share a bit of the behind the scenes and share truly the State of the Crazy.
State of the Crazy: January 9, 2023
I am a crafter who doesn't know how to do just one thing at a time. Join me as I share a bit of the behind the scenes and share truly the State of the Crazy.
2023 New Year, New Ambitions?
Now that 2022 has come to a close. I take the time to go through my last year's hobby goals and decide if I achieved all that I set out to do.
State of the Crazy: December 17, 2022
I am a crafter who doesn't know how to do just one thing at a time. Join me as I share a bit of the behind the scenes and share truly the State of the Crazy.
2022 Benchmark Model: The First Attempt
For 2022's benchmark I have decided to paint the giant model from December 2021's CastnPlay release Adventurer's Guild. Using one of my goals for the year of trying to paint in different skin tones I decided to approach the model with a blue skin for Frost Giant and do something I've never done before, apply paint to a model that wasn't primer via a brand new tool in my arsenal.
State of the Crazy: February 25, 2022
I am a crafter who doesn't know how to do just one thing at a time. Join me as I share a bit of the behind the scenes and share truly the State of the Crazy.
My Valentine Wargame: Frostgrave Continues!
I got a fantastic surprise last week when I received a text message saying ... "PST, wanna play wargames for Valentines day?:" Read on as we dive back into Frostgrave.
State of the Crazy: February 25, 2022
I am a crafter who doesn't know how to do just one thing at a time. Join me as I share a bit of the behind the scenes and share truly the State of the Crazy.
Boneclaw Paint Kit: Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures Review
Two weeks ago I did something in my miniature hobby I've never done before. I painted in a public setting, more specifically in my friendly local game store. I decided to join in the festivities of a paint night by painting the Boneclaw from Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures paint kit.